Specification of Subject Scope: This site gives facts on Slim Fast High Carb, including a full essay on this new Slim Fast product. For information on related topics, you should choose from the listing of additional sources, below.

Supplementary Resources:

Does Slim Fast Work: Details about trying to lose weight.

Slim Fast Diet Program: What you need to know about Slim Fast.

The Slim Fast Diet: A summary of Slim Fast.

The original idea of the Slim Fast system was certainly attractive. Just grab a quick shake (or meal bar) and you've got your meal. Certainly very convenient. And by using the fun concept of having a "milkshake", the plan was a hit - at the beginning.

But upon further investigation, it was shown that this system was actually a "starvation" diet with insufficient calories. In addition, the shakes themselves had questionable nutritional value.

In an attempt to repair their damaged image, they have come up with newer version of their shakes, to include some of the most recent popular diets. Slim Fast High Protein and Slim Fast Low Carb, are two of these.

Both these new types have many things in common with the old types. On the good side, they both have several antioxidants. They also have some fiber and no trans fats.

Slim Fast high protein shakes have 50% more protein than their original shakes. However, this of course, adds to the total calories as well. So the problem is that being forced to add new ingredients to increase the protein content of the Slim Fast high protein version, means that the low-calorie aspect is somewhat compromised.

As expected, there is much less carbohydrates in the Slim Fast low carb shake. Unfortunately, the amount of calorie is barely lessened. The key complaint however, is that because these shakes are milk based, they are forced to have carb content that is too high for a low-carb dieter. Therefore, the Slim Fast low carb shake is not in actual fact, "low carb".

Many people report constantly feeling hungry on the diet. And the reportedly poor taste is an issue. After all, you are not eating "real food", since the shakes are essentially sugar-milk, plus other artificial ingredients. The result is that you are hungry often and crave the taste of "real food". And of course, there is the embarrassment factor - since everyone will know you're on a diet, the moment you take a shake/bar out to eat.

Another complaint is the high cost of the diet. When you consider does Slim Fast really work, you must also consider how costly it is. Buying the shakes will mean spending a dollar or more - each. And since you have to drink two per day, that means about $15 to $20 per week. Add the meal bars, and you're up to $25 a week. The result? One hundred dollars a month - that you should instead be spending on healthy food.

In addition, you have to consider does Slim Fast work in the long run, when most people report that it was nearly impossible to stay on the diet, long-term. Most report that all their weight came back, as soon as they discontinued the diet! Find Out More at the list of "Supplementary Resources" above.